2013 Goals

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Welcome to Cycle 4 of the 30 Goals Challenge for Educators: This is MY moment!

Visit our current cycle at our new home, 30Goals.com

Over 9000 educators have joined the The 30 Goals Challenge since January 2010. You have the opportunity to join our community in accomplishing 1 to 30 goals throughout the year. These are short-term goals we reflect on and see how they help us aim towards long-term goals to make us better educators. We support each other through social networks- our Facebook group, Youtube,  Twitter (#30GoalsEdu), and blogs.

How to Participate

  • Accomplish the goal of your choice, post a reflection, and share your reflection with the 30 Goals Community.
  • You don’t have to accomplish all 30 goals. Feel free to accomplish as many as you’d like. You can choose to accomplish the current goal suggested by 1 of our participants at our site, 30Goals.com or choose a goal from the previous cycles.
  • Post your reflection on your blog, in our Facebook group, Youtube, and/or Twitter (#30GoalsEdu).

Cycle 4 Changes

Each year, we try to find better ways to accomplish the goals. This year we will focus on accomplishing 2 to 3 goals a week that are voted upon by our Facebook group community. This way we can focus more on our community and supporting each other through comments and community building activities. We hope that this will also give you time to read other participants’ thoughts, reflections, problems, and achievements.

We also adopted the theme, This is MY Moment. Each goal will focus on getting educators to believe their plans of action now will lead to positive change in their environments and inspire their learners to be the kind of people who try to make every moment of their lives meaningful and inspirational. Too many individuals are not seizing the moments in their lives to inspire or live their passions. The outcome is many are leading lives in poverty, committing crimes, doing drugs, etc. As educators, we have the ability to influence students and we start by being the example of individuals who make meaningful moments. I hope you will join us on our journey as we improve the lives of those around us including our own. It will be a journey you won’t forget!

We will also be conducting interviews through Google HangOuts with educators in our community who are accomplishing the goals.

Here’s a video showing the process:

The 30 Goals

Cycle 4 Goals

All 30 Goals since 2010 can be found in this Livebinder:

PearlTree of Participant Posts
Cycle 4 2013 in The 30 Goals Challenge for Educators / Shelly Sanchez Terrell (shellyterrell)

Please fill out this Google Form if you reflected on at least 1 goal so you will be listed in a 30 Goals blog list and on a 30 Goals Twitter list.

Eye on Education will be publishing The 30 Goals Challenge for Educators book available for purchase. Keep an eye out!