2011 Goals

Visit our current cycle at our new home, 30Goals.com

Over 9000 educators have joined the The 30 Goals Challenge since January 2010. You have the opportunity to join our community in accomplishing 1 to 30 goals throughout the year. These are short-term goals we reflect on and see how they help us aim towards long-term goals to make us better educators. We support each other through social networks- our Facebook group, Youtube,  Twitter (#30GoalsEdu), and blogs.

The 2011 Cycle

Lisa Dabb’s (@TeachingwthSoul) collaborated with me in this cycle to support new teachers accomplishing the 30 goals. You can find her podcasts and posts at Teaching With Soul. Lisa was an inspiration and is known for mentoring new teachers regularly through #NTChat. This year we also included vodcasts (video reflections) and podcasts. Listen to these for free!

The 2011 Challenges

Congratulations on endearing this journey with me. Here is a list of all the goals we have accomplished together for this cycle.