Once Upon a Device: 20 Reading Activities & Apps

Screen Shot 2013-09-05 at 7.19.19 PM“Reading furnishes the mind only with materials of knowledge; it is thinking that makes what we read ours.” – John Locke

Epiphany is one of my favorite words. I remember discovering the word in high school and thinking that finally I had the right word to describe the “aha” moments I would get after reading a good book. I want my learners to have several epiphanies throughout their learning journeys. I want them to make connections to what they read and personalize the content.

Often, teachers have to teach books that are much older than the kids, written in archaic language, and that take place in countries and imaginary worlds our learners have no experience with. I think activities have to help learners visualize and experience this world to get a better understanding of the mindset of the characters. Various free apps provide multimedia rich reading experiences and story creation. Additionally, many of these apps inspire creativity, support play, and engage learners of all ages. I decided to create my first Piktochart of some of these lesson ideas I am sharing in a webinar on Saturday about Engaging Readers with iPads. Click on the Apple to go to a free IOS app that will help you accomplish the activity. Click on the blue arrow to see Android apps that should accomplish the task.

Enjoyed these resources? Get your copy of The 30 Goals for Teachers or Learning to Go.


Try one of these lesson ideas to inspire reading.

Enjoyed these resources? Get your copy of The 30 Goals for Teachers or my $5.99 ebook, Learning to Go, which has digital and mobile activities for any device with handouts.

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