Goal 11: Build Your Teacher’s Survival Kit of The 30 Goals Challenge for Educators. Click the link to find out more about the 30 Goals Challenge for Educators.
“A master can tell you what he expects of you. A teacher, though, awakens your own expectations.” ~ Patricia Neal
This year with the 30 Goals Challenge for Educators, our 30 Goals Facebook community is voting to determine some of the goals which are mostly from the previous 3 cycles. This year’s theme is, “This is MY Moment.” Each goal will focus on getting educators to believe their plans of action now will lead to positive changes and transformation in their teaching and learning environments.
My Take on the Goal
When I first began teaching, I remember meeting a veteran teacher who carried a big bag with her everywhere. I forgot what the situation was but I remember her coming to the rescue with masking tape, scissors, and Post It notes. She told me she always carried those things among other items like dry erase markers, poster putty, and so forth as a teacher, because she had learnt that situations always arise when she needed these items. That left a huge impression on me and I kept thinking of this as a survival kit.
Short-term– Create your own teacher’s survival kit. Then share the items in your teacher’s survival kit and ideas how you use these items. You can use Thinglink, with a free IOS app, or Glogster to make it visible with links.
Long-term– Continue to add items to your survival kit and learn strategies from others then conduct a workshop in which you show other teachers how to build their survival kits.
Glogster: My Teacher’s Survival Kit
More Resources
- Theodora Pap’s Survival Kit
- 30+ Ways Thinglink used in Edu by Lisa Johnson
- Survival Kit for Teaching Kids English
- Cell phone activities offline
- Ball activities including how to introduce yourself & inspire question/answering
- Puppet Activities
- Jump Rope Games
- Masking tape activities besides putting a line on the ground for pro/con debates
- Playdoh lesson plans besides creating what the teacher describes. I usually describe an alien, new animal or monster my kids have to recreate with my verbal instructions then they break in pairs and do this. A follow-up is writing where this creature lives and creating its home from the playdough
- Feltboard Activities
Build your teacher survival kit & share some of the methods with us!
Please leave a comment that you accomplished this goal by either posting your own video reflection on Youtube, using the hashtag #30GoalsEdu, posting on the 30 Goals Facebook group, or adding a comment below! All goals are organized in this 30 Goals Livebinder.
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