Goal: Create a Teacher Manifesto of The 30 Goals Challenge!
“The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire.” ~ Ferdinand Foch
“Manifesto: a public declaration of principles and intentions.” via Wikipedia
Short-term– Create your Me Manifesto either on a blog, using the Word Dream iOS app, Animoto, Easel.ly, Canva, Tackk, Edubuncee, PowToons, or any tool. We want to learn about what makes you tick. What do you believe about learning and what kind of ideals do you carry in your classroom?
Long-term– We bring our ideals and values into the classroom. Our curriculum and students are influenced by them. It is important we reflect on them continuously and get our students to create their own “Me Manifestos” in order for them to identify what sets their souls on fire!
Check out these manifestos created by teachers:
Follow Shelly Sanchez’s board 30 Goals 1: Me Manifesto on Pinterest.
New to The 30 Goals Challenge? Each year, teachers worldwide aim to accomplish 1 to 30 goals that transform their teaching. Join the movement by accomplishing any goal from any of the cycles then letting us know through a blog reflection or status update on our Facebook community or on Twitter, @30GoalsEdu . At our official site, 30Goals.com, find all the goals, participant reflections, badges, and get your copy of The 30 Goals for Teachers: Small Steps to Transform Your Classroom workbook. Click here to discover all the 2015 goals!