February 2011
Goal 8: Rethink Student Behavior & Classroom Management #30Goals
Goal 8 of The 30 Goals Challenge 2011 Goal Short-term– Option A During at least one class period have your students discuss…
Goal 7: Play and Have Fun! #30Goals
Goal 7 of The 30 Goals Challenge 2011 Goal Short-term– Observe a child not in school play for at least 5 minutes.…
Goal 6: Invite Them In #30Goals
Goal 6 of The 30 Goals Challenge 2011 Goal Short-term– Brainstorm ways to invite a teacher, parent, or administrator to see the…
A Student's Voice about Technology & Learning: Interview with Shantanu Bala
Interview 15 of Education Voices In the move for education transformation, we need to listen to many voices including students. I was…
Goal 5: Reflect, Step Back, Act #30Goals
Goal 5 of The 30 Goals Challenge 2011 Goal Short-term– Reflect on your best and worst lesson this week or last semester…
Goal 4: Leave it Behind #30Goals
Goal 4 of The 30 Goals Challenge 2011 Goal Short-term– Option A: Make a list of ways you can leave your stress…
Goal 3: What Do You Believe About Learning? #30Goals
Goal 3 of The 30 Goals Challenge 2011 Goal Short-term-Make a bullet list of what you believe regarding how you and others…
Goal 2: Re-Evaluate Value #30Goals
Goal 2 of The 30 Goals Challenge 2011 Goal Short-term– Change the way you assess one assignment or project and try to…
Goal 1: Be a Beam #30Goals
Goal 1 of The 30 Goals Challenge 2011 Goal Short-term– Offer a student or other educator you see struggling support. It could…