How Did Jad Abumrad's #ISTE17 Keynote Inspire You?
In my blog I often talk about how we need to send students on meaningful learning missions and help them discover how…
Savvy #ISTE17 Interviews: Video Edchats Through FlipGrid
Back in August of 2009 I created and organized #Edchat in a dm conversation with Tom Whitby. Since its inception, #Edchat has inspired over…
Savvy #ISTE17 Interviews: BYOD ISTE Sessions for Tuesday
Baby Savvy caught up with our good friend, Cori Coburn (@coburncori) who helps on the organizing teams of various conferences, including ISTE. This year…
Savvy #ISTE17 Interviews: Engaging Students with Hip Hop and Edtech
Baby Savvy enjoyed speaking to our good friend, William Jeffery, @CoachJeffery. William has been one of the organizers and founders of Edspeakers,…
Savvy #ISTE17 Interviews: Fidget Spinners & 3D Printing with Children
Baby Savvy was so excited to meet Kitty Tripp (@Kitty_Tripp) who recently relocated to Texas. We love having her here and she is…
Savvy #ISTE17 Interviews: Learning with Your PLN at Conferences
Baby Savvy spoke to two incredible leaders who we connected with on Twitter in the first year I joined, Elana Leoni (@Elanaleoni) and Patrick Larkin (@patrickmlarkin).…
Savvy #ISTE17 Interviews: The #PassthescopeEDU and #NotAtISTE17 Movements
Baby Savvy spoke to two awesome people who are bringing  the ISTE 2017 experience to those who could not attend this year, Brian…
Savvy #ISTE17 Interviews: Digital Posters & Storytelling with Buncee
Baby Savvy was excited to interview Buncee Man and tour the newest features at Buncee. Buncee is a web tool and mobile app teachers…
Savvy #ISTE17 Interviews: Designing Open and Engaging Learning Spaces
Baby Savvy spoke to two of her favorite people, JoAnn Jacobs (@JoAnnJacobs68) and Jackie Gerstein (@JackieGerstein) about their classroom design. Both educators work in learning environments…
Savvy's Interviews: Student Voice, UDL, Makerspaces & More
Savvy conducted her pre-ISTE interviews at the Badge Summit and at the famous El Mercado shops at Market Square. Below, watch the…