Education transformation
Goal 1: Define Your Moment
Goal 1: Define Your Moment of The 30 Goals Challenge for Educators. Click the link to find out more about the 30 Goals Challenge…
Effective Technology Integration, Global Issues in Education, Teacher Development Reflections, Thought-provoking
And Maddest of All to See Education As It Is & Not As It Should Be
The way I tackle life comes from one of my favorite books, Miguel De Cervantes’ Don Quixote of La Mancha. Briefly, the protagonist…
11 of '11 Projects Transforming Education
Adam Simpson, an educator in Turkey, recently challenged bloggers to reflect on and post 11 of their best blog posts of 2011…
Happy Birthday! #Edchat Turns 2!
Part of the #Edchat Category #Edchat turns TWO this week! For the last 2 years #Edchat has been the birth of conversation…
Goal 30: What's Your Passion? Pass it On! #30Goals
Goal 30 of The 30 Goals Challenge 2011 “Men are like trees: each one must put forth the leaf that is created…
Goal: Support a Movement
Goal 26 of The 30 Goals Challenge 2011 and Cycle 7 of The 30 Goals Challenge: Make it Meaningful! “We must remember that one…
Goal 21: Encouraging Creativity in the Classroom #30Goals
Goal 21 of The 30 Goals Challenge 2011 “Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.”~…
Goal 20: Share Your Resources! #30Goals
Goal 20 of The 30 Goals Challenge 2011 “It is no longer enough to do powerful work if no one sees it.”~…
Considering the Curriculm: TeachMeet Newcastle Keynote
I had the incredible privilege of being the keynote at the TeachMeet in Newcastle/Gateshead yesterday. I have to thank Steve Bunce (@SteveBunce)…