2011 Goals

Visit our current cycle at our new home, 30Goals.com

Over 9000 educators have joined the The 30 Goals Challenge since January 2010. You have the opportunity to join our community in accomplishing 1 to 30 goals throughout the year. These are short-term goals we reflect on and see how they help us aim towards long-term goals to make us better educators. We support each other through social networks- our Facebook groupYoutube,  Twitter (#30GoalsEdu), and blogs.

The 2011 Cycle

Lisa Dabb’s (@TeachingwthSoul) collaborated with me in this cycle to support new teachers accomplishing the 30 goals. You can find her podcasts and posts at Teaching With Soul. Lisa was an inspiration and is known for mentoring new teachers regularly through #NTChat. This year we also included vodcasts (video reflections) and podcasts. Listen to these for free!

The 2011 Challenges

Congratulations on endearing this journey with me. Here is a list of all the goals we have accomplished together for this cycle.


Add yours
  1. 4
    Be a Beam « Sturm und Drang

    […] engaging us with our students. The link to the challenge, should you choose to be curious is : Teacher Boot Camp – 30 Goals 2011 .  Those participating will use various media to reflect and support each other with and through […]

  2. 6
    Mrs Di

    OK, I’m ready to tackle this thing! Let’s go!
    (Christina DiMicelli)

  3. 9
    Bob Merckel

    Hey Shelly …
    I’ve been thinking about a way to get back into the blogging world now that my MSS is turned in. You’ve given me a great spark. I’m jumping on board.

  4. 20
    Lorena Olaya

    Love the challenge! and From Colombia count me in! .. I´m sharing with others the challenge!

  5. 21

    Ok, I am ready to take the plunge and start this challenge in order to re-energize myself as well as the teachers with whom I teach! After a rough start to the new year I think this is something we all can use and utilize not only to ignite our spark but also the sparks of our students!

  6. 27
    Ellen Holley

    I’m in! ! ! I’ve been looking for a way to add spark back to my teaching. I truly love my job but worry that the students I teach not being “techy enough” when they leave me each summer. I wonder if I did enough to help them be successful in their futures. So, I’m in and I look forward to a great journey.

  7. 28
    Sylvia Ellison

    I’ve seen this idea for a while on Twitter, but I did not dive into finding out what it was all about until today. Thank you for the information. I’ve decided to not only take the challenge myself … starting today! … but also extend it to my district followers on my email conference site. I will blog my results as well as their results in an effort to “carry the baton” in my area of influence. Thank you for the inspiration!

  8. 29
    The 30 Goals Challenge

    […] The Consultants-e’s Shelly Terrell has an reflective, inspirational and proactive set of goals for educators in 2011.  On almost a daily basis, she uploads a video, podcast and blog post containing a short-term and long-term goal with regards to a variety of issues in the classroom.  If you’re looking for a daily dose of professional development, take part in one or all of the goals and let everyone know about it on your blog, on Facebook or by commenting on the posts themselves.  From the 30 Goals site, Teacher Bootcamp: […]

  9. 44
    Organic Learning

    […] continuing this #30Goals journey with Shelley Terrell @shellterrell and Lisa Dabbs @teachingwthsoul. This weekend is dedicated to […]

  10. 60
    michelle reckling

    Just started a new website (mrsreckling.com)
    I think I am a bit late, but would love to join the challenge… this is just what I need to get things going 🙂 I am assuming the order I go about the challenge doesn’t matter…. Here we go! 🙂

  11. 64

    I’m a bit late in joining, but I’m ready to begin!

  12. 73
    Share my Story? | Mellyn Education

    […] event hosted by TESL Toronto. Introduced by Tyson Seburn of 4C, Shelly Terrell talked about The 30 Goals Challenge for Educators and her impending publication (for those non-online folks). She talked to us about connecting with […]

  13. 75

    Hello Shelly!
    Never too late?! LOL
    “not enough time” and “too busy” just don’t cut it for excuses anymore — I witness too many others who have ‘lots on their plate’ and still manage. With so much inspiration around, I should be able to come through this time?!
    Hoping to review 2010’s 30 challenges and then join in here, too — learning and contributing as I go!

  14. 76
    Teacher Reboot Camp » Blog Archive » 11 of ’11 Projects Transforming Education

    […] The 30 Goals Challenge- Over 7000 educators worldwide have participated in accomplishing goals to transform their classrooms and impact their students. Educators who join receive a free ebook and have access to several videos and podcasts to help them achieve their goals. More importantly they get to reflect upon these goals on Twitter (#30Goals), Facebook, or on their blogs and receive the support of 1000s of educators also accomplishing these goals. […]

  15. 77
    Teacher Reboot Camp » Blog Archive » On the Horizon: 20+ Free Professional Development for 2012

    […] The 30 Goals Challenge- Over 7000 educators have participated in the 1st and 2nd cycles of this global challenge for educators with the premise of getting you to complete 30 professional development goals in one year. These are short-term goals, such as guest posting, changing your classroom environment, providing effective feedback, establishing an online presence, and engaging with parents. We begin the 2012 cycle this week. To keep up to date, please join the 30 Goals Facebook group or you can easily follow through Twitter by checking out the #30goals hashtag. You don’t even have to have a Twitter account to get the tweets. You can easily subscribe through RSS. […]

  16. 78

    Goal 28, is a challenge near and dear to my heart. I also believe that many problems which arise on social media are dealt with in response to a problem. I would like to see a greater proactive education to help prevent and lessen the number of issues associated with the use of social media by students.

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