Book Me

I am blessed to support teachers and educational organizations worldwide. If I can be of any assistance, please feel free to contact me at I am available for the following:

  • face-to-face or online teacher training sessions and workshops
  • keynotes/plenaries/presentations/webinars/MOOCs
  • consultation on technology integration, blended learning, mobile learning, English language teaching, social media use in education, and elearning
  • consultation on hosting e-conferences and other online professional development events



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  1. 1

    Hola Shelly, le escribo desde Colombia. Admiro su profesionalismo y trabajo.
    Soy Ingeniero de Sistemas, con un Master en elearning. Trabajo en las Fuerzas Militares de mi país.
    Tiene Usted un excelente blog. La felicito por su trabajo.

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