Planning a Successful Global Collaboration Project #EdtechMissions Chat Archive

Anthippi Harou (@AnthippiHarou), a primary teacher in Greece, was the guest moderate of today’s #EdtechMissions chat about planning global collaboration projects.  Anthippi and her students received recognition for completing their eTwinning global collaboration projects. Anthippi Harou shared tips and resources from these experiences.  Anthippi shares her story in this post and also in my book, Hacking Digital Learning Strategies: 10 Ways to Launch EdTech Missions. Find the archive of the chat below with several tips and resources from all who participated.

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​Anthippi Harou has been an EFL teacher in Greece for about 21 years! She teaches at a public primary school in Athens. She likes innovating in her instructional practice, which is the reason she is a lifelong learner. She enjoys participating in online courses and webinars, especially those which focus on educational technology. Anthippi tries to implement the new knowledge she acquires in her classes and has seen the positive impact on her students. She blogs about her favorite tools here.

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