Edhashtag Clouds: Click, Explore, Connect

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In July 2009, I co-founded the Bammy winning education chat, #Edchat, which has inspired over 400 education hashtags! The hashtag (# in front of a word without spaces, which transforms the word into a url on social media sites, like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram) was invented 8 years ago today by Chris Messina on August 23, 2007. To celebrate the #hastagiversary, I created the clickable word clouds below of 100+ education hashtags. Click on any hashtag to go to the Twitter stream. Build your Personal/ Passionate Learning Network (PLN) by exploring the stream and connecting and sharing with the teachers active on that stream. Find @Cybraryman1‘s edhashtag list here and the official Twitter chat schedule hereNote: There are multiple clouds in alphabetical order. Bookmark a more user-friendly version here!








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