Goal 1: Define Your Moment of The 30 Goals Challenge for Educators. Click the link to find out more about the 30 Goals Challenge for Educators.
“Every moment is the paradox of now or never.” ~ Simon Van Booy
This week we begin the 4th cycle and year of the 30 Goals Challenge for Educators. This year’s theme is, “This is MY Moment.” Each goal will focus on getting educators to believe their plans of action now will lead to positive changes and transformation in their teaching and learning environments.
I’ve learned a lot throughout my journey as a teacher, especially undergoing the 30 Goals for Educators. We are now in our 4th year and over 9000 educators have joined in aiming to complete short-term goals to become better educators for themselves and learners. I’ve been blessed to be the igniter of this movement and see the impact and the way this process has transformed lives. Like any other movement and action it begins with a choice and 4 years ago when I posted the first goal as a new blogger I encountered many fears and excuses for never starting this journey. I had that moment in which the idea came to me and at the time I remember thinking of all the ways this would fail. I had been blogging for less than a year and had thought only a few people read my blog. I didn’t have enough time and each year I become busier and each year I wonder if it is the last year. The 30 Goals continue to be my inspiration and get me through the obstacles I put in my mind. There will always be things that get in the way of transformational action. We will always have time constraints or many other “busy things to do” but in the end I remember that I have this moment. The idea came to me now for a reason and I can decide to either take that moment and idea and live the transformational life I want to or I can let that moment slip by and continue to live in the mundane and routine that doesn’t really make me a happy person. I can continue to do the things that make my life stressful and uninspiring or I can take this moment and make my life purposeful and inspiring.
Moments become movements and incredible memories when we seize them. Now is the moment to decide to live how you want and make it count because moments pass by and can also become seconds withered away by time. The choice is ours and when we decide to make our moments meaningful we become better examples and individuals for those around us. Our spirits are uplifted and we inspire others. We inspire our learners. We become the type of educators that walk in the room and our energy ignites our learners. We can also become burnt out teachers that are stressed. I was one of those teachers at a point in my life until a student woke me up by asking me why I didn’t smile anymore. I have decided I want to be the teacher that brings positive energy into my classroom because it is one step towards helping my learners become purpose-filled individuals.
- Word Cloud Tools– Tagul, Wordle, Word Cloud App,Tagxedo, Word Mosiac
- Image Chef
- Muzy
- Pic Collage App
- Popplet
Long-term– These statements are promises you are making to yourself for action you will fulfill throughout the year. It is important to revisit these statements again before you begin your next class with learners. The more you revisit these plans, the more successful you will be in completing them.
Educational Leadership Goal
New Teacher Goal
Define what you plan on doing this year to be a transformational teacher or leader. You can add it as a sticky note wall.
Please leave a comment that you accomplished this goal by either posting your own video reflection on Youtube, using the hashtag #30GoalsEdu, posting on the 30 Goals Facebook group, or adding a comment below! All goals are organized in this 30 Goals Livebinder.
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