9 Reasons to Attend The Reform Symposium Free Worldwide Online Conference

I’ve been a bit absent on this blog for a very good reason. Along with some other incredible educators, I am helping organize the free Reform Symposium E-Conference which takes place Friday, July 29 to Sunday, July 31, 2011. We have only 9 days till this incredible event, which is why I would like to provide you with the following 9 reasons to attend and hopefully bring a friend around:

  • Free professional development with possible continuing education credit
  • The keynotes- With 12 Keynote Speakers and 3 Keynote panelists you are bound to walk away inspired!
    • Keynote topics include a look inside the revered Finnish Education School system, how an  educator created a school based on a blog and Twitter conversation, what is the future of learning in the midst of all these technologies, and more!
    • Keynote panel topics include how to effectively get administrators and staff to collaborate, what is the best technology to move our schools forward and alternative assessments
  • The presenters– we have around 80 presenters from various countries in almost every continent.
  • Attend in your pajamas- Check out the incredible schedule created by Clive Elsmore to find all the webinar links! You only need to click on the link in order to find out more information!
  • Meet other educators worldwide- We aim to have over 8000 educators from over 50 countries! Chat with them in the webinar room or through Twitter using the hashtag, #RSCON3! Exchange Twitter information, or emails to keep in contact!
  • The Open Lab– We will have an Elluminate room open to help any educator learn the basics of social networks for educators. Educators can drop in and learn to set-up a Twitter account, use social bookmarking tools, and more!
  • A peak at classrooms worldwide- With over 80 presenters from 50+ countries you will get a unique chance to see what other educators do with their students. Do we struggle with the same problems worldwide? What are the specific issues certain countries have to overcome?
  • Prizes- We will have a raffle of great prizes thanks to our donors!

We hope you will join us for what promises to be our biggest yet global online conference for everyone concerned with education. We would like to thank Steve Hargadon, our amazing organizers, and the presenters/keynotes for providing us with their expertise!

Join us in our Twitter countdown by retweeting the numbered days you see from the #RSCON3 hashtag and Twitter account, @RSCON3!

Still need inspiration! Listen to our presenters talk about January 2011’s conference:

Check out this post by Edna Sackson for 20 reasons to attend RSCON3!

Invite a friend or a few friends who are not involved in online professional development to attend or host a party in your home for a group to attend!

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What are your favorite ways to learn online? Did I miss any other great professional development opportunities?

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