Goal 9: Make A Global Connection #30Goals

Goal 9 of The 30 Goals Challenge 2011


Short-term– Research the global projects available and choose to have your students participate in one. If you already participate in a global project, please share the experience.
Long-term-Begin to think about how your global project can really foster intercultural communication, collaboration, and problem-solving.


“True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life, ourselves, and the world around us.”

by Socrates

Voicethread: Global Collaboration between Germany, New Zealand, & Turkey



Review the Global Projects listed in the wiki and plan to implement a global project before the end of this year! If you already participate in one, please share the impact it has had on your students!

Did you reflect on this goal? Please leave a comment that you accomplished this goal by either posting your own video reflection on Youtube, using the hashtag #30Goals, posting on the 30 Goals Facebook group, adding a post to the 43 Things web/mobile app, or adding a comment below! Feel free to subscribe to The 30 Goals podcast!

Keep an eye out for the book, The 30 Goals Challenge for Educators, that will be published by Eye on Education in the Fall of 2011!

Background music is Goodbye War, Hello Peace by Teru from CC Mixter

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