Goal: Reflection vs. Reaction

Part of the Goals 2010 Challenge Series, Goal 27


looking deeply at ourselves
meditating on mistakes
contemplating lessons we were taught
deciding our next steps



acting on emotion
regretting our decisions
making mistakes
paying the consequences
When I first started on social media I made the mistake of reacting to what I felt was an unjust situation. I paid hefty consequences. I knew I could have responded differently to the situation. We have all been there where our emotions get the best of us. However, reaction comes with consequences. For our students this can be deadly. For five students I knew, their reactions cost them their lives. Therefore, I think reflection is a great lesson we should teach students, but this seems to be missing from the curriculum. We need character education. Students need to be able to reflect on their choices and picture the consequences. They need to be able to see the possible outcomes of their decisions. Many emotions and hormones roar through our students that they often react to their emotions. I still struggle with this sometimes, but I know how to calm myself down. I know to channel the energy into something more productive like going for a walk or run. How about our students? Have they really been taught to reflect?
My goal is to help my students learn to reflect versus react. Today, I want to know how you think we can do this?
Help your students learn to reflect versus react.

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This is goal 27 of this series! If you’d like to join the challenge, please read this post with more details!

Don’t forget to leave a comment that you accomplished this goal using the hashtag #30Goals!

How do we teach students to reflect?

Images courtesy of Pinksherbet (D Sharon Pruitt) / CC BY 2.0

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