#Edchat: Join the Conversation
Over 1000 educators have participated in #edchat discussions. Will you collaborate with us to create educational change? Although relatively new, #edchat has…
Lack of Tech in the Land of Robots and Hybrid Cars by Neal Chambers
Part of the series: Investigating International Edtech Issues (Japan’s Edtech Issues) Before I came to Japan, I imagined a place full of…
RoohIt Highlighter: New Way of Online Research?
In my pursuit to improve your personal learning on this blog, I have added a few new widgets. One of my favorite…
Investigating Germany's Edtech Issues by Andreas Kalt
The most notable aspect of the German education system is that there is no German education system. Germany consists of sixteen federal…
New Series: Investigating Global Issues in Schools
Photo from Flickr by Fox Spain / CC BY 2.0 Dear Reader, I am excited to present to you an additional series…
Getting Children Involved with Edtech
The Problem Although I have taught English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) for several years, I only began to teach very…