At a Loss for Word-le?!
Yesterday on Twitter I saw many messages that Wordle was down due to legal issues and its fate uncertain. I was in a bit of Continue Reading
10 Second Life Resources for the Classroom by Karen Schweitzer
Some of the world’s most prestigious colleges, universities, and schools use Second Life in the classroom. This virtual world makes it easy for students to Continue Reading
Making Global Connections
No doubt I love Twitter for meeting new people and planning collaborative projects. However, I often run into the problem that most of the incredible Continue Reading
Developing Strong Relationships with Your PLN
Dear Reader, You may be sick of hearing me talk about the merits of a Personal Learning Network (PLN)! However, if this is the one Continue Reading
Second Life Newby Field Trip
Have you wanted to attend the several Second Life teacher events but were too afraid you would do something embarrassing? Two years ago I set Continue Reading