Search results for: “burnout”

  • 10 Back to School Tips for An Awesome Year!

    “The best thing a human being can do is to help another human being know more.”- Charlie Munger The new school year is approaching fast. I will miss spending all day with my toddler, Savvy, but I am looking forward…

  • Teacher Zen! 10 #BacktoSchool Tips

    “The best thing a human being can do is to help another human being know more.” – Charlie Munger A new school year is here! You are about to meet many new faces. With so many minds to inspire you…

  • Goal: Set Aside Time for Yourself

    Welcome to Cycle 7 of The 30 Goals Challenge: Make it Meaningful! “A field that has rested gives a beautiful crop.” – Ovid Goal: For 1 week, dedicate at least 30 minutes a day to rest and relaxation. Accomplish this goal: Part…

  • Back to School Like A Boss! 10 Survival Tips!

    When starting with a new group of learners, I am hardly able to sleep the night before. Next week, I begin a new course and trust me I’m pretty nervous. However, I welcome the excitement, because I know as a teacher,…

  • Goal: Enjoy a Zen Moment

    Welcome to Cycle 6 of The 30 Goals Challenge: Inspire Forward!  “We cannot hold a torch to light another’s path without brightening our own.” – Ben Sweetland Goal: Enjoy a zen moment. Accomplish this goal: Spend 15 minutes to an hour less on…

  • Avoid Burn-Out

    Goal: Avoid Burn-Out of The 30 Goals Challenge for Educators. “Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, “I will try again tomorrow.”~ Mary Anne Radmacher This year’s theme is, “This is MY…

  • Tips and Tools to Manage Your Twitter Time!

    Part of the Cool Sites series Do your friends or partner accuse you of being a Twitterholic? Do you fear you spend too much time on Twitter? Daily people ask me how I manage to have a life and spend…

  • Goal: Be a Guest Blogger

    Part of the Goals 2010 Challenge Series, Goal 9 One of my long-term goals is to post more guest pieces on other websites or blogs. I love having my writings published on other websites. Writing a guest post improves your…

  • Avoiding the Edtech Burn-out

    Recently, a good friend and Edublogs webinar moderator, Phil Hart, shared with me a recent Elluminate presentation I unfortunately missed. Edublogs webinars provide a free online gathering of educators or others interested in transforming the educational arena. Through the Elluminate…