Connect To The World Through Twitter (Presentation)
Recently, I gave a Keynote for educators new to developing a learning network through Twitter. Please share the following resources with those…
A 1:1 Progam is Possible in Your School! Interview with Rich Kiker
Interview 5 of Twittering for Education Lack of resources is one of the main barriers to teachers integrating technology in the classroom.…
Children of Immigrants, Cool Sites, Mobile Learning, Teacher Development Reflections, Tech Tips, What Works for English Language Learners
Texting and Teachers Experimenting with Technology: 10 Resources
Part of the series: Teacher Development Reflections In a previous post, I mentioned how I was teaching refugees in Athens, Greece as…
Join a Live Discussion with Innovative Administrators
Interview 4 of Twittering for Education I have really enjoyed watching the amount of school administrators on Twitter increase within the last…
Homework and Charlie Brown
While browsing online for the Charlie Brown teacher voice as a joke to a friend, I came across this fantastic video about…
Upcoming Conferences Where I'll be Presenting
I’m beginning to work on my conference schedule for the upcoming year. I live in Germany, but often travel throughout the year…
Educating is About Passion, Let Us be Your Green Dots!
Recently, Scott Mcleod, blogged a very thought-provoking post, Are We Edubloggers too Harsh on Our Kids’ Teachers? My initial thoughts…. As a…
Mobile Motivation: 17 Digital Storytelling & Literacy Apps/Resources for Kids
Part of the Cool Sites series I teach young English language learners between 5 to 10 years-old. I have found my Iphone…
Couples Twittering for Education- Will and Elle Deyamport
Interview 3 of Couples Twittering for Education When I first joined Twitter a little over a year ago there was talk of…
Students, Ownership, & Creativity: 35 Resources
Part of the Cool Sites series My students love creating! They are young learners, but when I worked with high school students…
Couples Twittering for Education- Eric and Melissa Sheninger
Interview 2 of Couples Twittering for Education When I first joined Twitter a little over a year ago I was excited to…
What You May Have Missed in August…
Perhaps you are returning from your holiday or vacation like I am? If so, you may have missed some of the tips,…