Celebrating Diversity and Peace This Thanksgiving

“Thanksgiving, after all, is a word of action.” – W.J. Cameron

More than ever our students need to see meaningful examples of how the U.S. was built on various cultures coming together to collaborate, learn, and help each other. The Thanksgiving story reminds students how difficult it was for two cultures to respect each other, but eventually did. Before Thanksgiving, colonists and Native Americans were dying needlessly when they could’ve been helping each other through hardships like sickness, famine, etc. Lives are lost when we close our minds and think we don’t have anything to learn from people who are different from us. That is what the current political climate worldwide seems to believe, but our past has painfully taught us better. This Thanksgiving let’s help our future leaders learn the value of diversity and coming together despite differences to better the world. Feel free to download the slide presentation below.  If you like these ideas, then check out my book, Hacking Digital Learning Strategies: 10 Ways to Launch EdTech Missions.

Get your copy of Hacking Digital Learning, The 30 Goals Challenge, or Learning to Go. Ask me about training your teachers, [email protected]

The History of Thanksgiving

Online Fun & Games

Thanksgiving Apps

  • Mr. Turkey Where Are You? is an ebook (iOS) that was created by a mother for her son with autism. It has great features like reading the story aloud and the ability for students to upload their own images that appear in the story.
  • Hand Turkey Thanksgiving (iOS) is a fun way young children trace their fingers and create a turkey.
  • With Red Stamp (web/iOS/Android) and Buncee (web/iOS) students can send free ecards and choose from a library of Thanksgiving templates and stickers.
  • Thanksgiving Puzzle (iOS/Android) lets kids work on animated puzzles.
Get your copy of Hacking Digital Learning, The 30 Goals Challenge, or Learning to Go. Ask me about training your teachers, [email protected]


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