10 Kids Transforming their World through Social Media

Get your copy of Hacking Digital LearningThe 30 Goals Challenge, or Learning to Go. Ask me about training your teachers, ShellyTerrell@gmail.com!

“Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” ~ T.S. Eliot

Millions of kids repeat generational cycles of crime, poverty, drugs, etc. Meanwhile, millions of educators stand in classes worldwide and they are burnt out, fed up and this spreads to the millions of students they encounter daily. We have a world where millions fail to live the type of inspirational lives they were supposed to lead so instead they get caught up infecting millions with their uninspired lives. My goal is to break this cycle and perpetuate a new cycle where a group of inspired educators and learners begin to inspire millions to lead lives filled with passion and vision. I believe that with the energy and passion we have on social networks we have the ability to transform the world and the world needs a community of passionate individuals to inspire them. Below are 10 examples of kids who are transforming their worlds and spreading their inspiration through social networks like Youtube, Twitter, and Facebook. I also mention the power of sharing student examples in my book, Hacking Digital Learning Strategies: 10 Ways to Launch EdTech Missions.

Kids Transforming the World

Joseph, 6 year-old does Karate in the park to raise funds to help others!

Wesley Prankard is a 13 year-old with a mission to build a playground in every northern community in Canada.

Lil JaXe is a 13 year old rapper whose Youtube videos have over 1 million hits. He stutters and was bullied often but has rised above this. 

Tyler, 10 year-old, raises $21,000 to prevent child trafficking

Talia raises over $1 million for Katrina & now CEO of RandomKids.org

4th Graders raise money to buy a water pump for kids in Africa

Thomas Suarez, 6th grader, develops and sells apps!

Ian Cahr, 9 year-old has bead company to raise money to save animals

Adora Svitak is a child prodigy and social media star who supports several charitable causes! Here’s her Ted Talk.

Kids changing the world 5 minutes a day!

The 30 Goals Challenge

As part of The 30 Goals Challenge I would like to inspire you to accomplish these goals:
Short-term– Share one of these examples or another example of what individuals can accomplish when they are passionate with your learners or someone who needs inspiration.
Long-term– Continue to share examples of people accomplishing inspirational feats on a weekly basis with your students or colleagues. Planting seeds of belief and inspiration can lead to amazing results.

140 Conference

Many of these videos are from the 14o Conference. If you are interested in attending it is quite reasonable for educators. On July 31st and August 1st 2012 you can attend the 140 Education Conference in New York for $1.40. They host events worldwide. Check out the 140 Conference website here to see one coming near you!

Important News

  • Lisa Dabbs and I have decided to change the hashtag to #30GoalsEdu because we have noticed some sports people using the hashtag. Please make the transition.
  • This year we are focusing on 1 to 2 goals a week in order to have time to really reflect on the tasks and respond to each other’s posts and enhance our support system for each other.
  • Check out my Pinterests for other posts with this goal or ask me to add yours!


Share a real-life example of an inspirational individual transforming their world by following their passion.

Did you reflect on this goal? Please leave a comment that you accomplished this goal by either posting your own video reflection on Youtube, using the hashtag #30Goals, posting on the 30 Goals Facebook group, adding a post to the GooglePlus page, or adding a comment below!

Be inspired with these Inspirational songs, videos, quotes, and more on my Pinterest board, Inspiration for World Changers!

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