10+ Tips for Getting the Most Out of #RSCON3

I hope you have marked this Friday, July 29th to Sunday, July 31st to attend the freeย Reform Symposium E-Conference! Not only can you attend anywhere with Internet access but you get to hang with nearly 8000 educators worldwide and choose from nearly 100 keynotes, presentations, and panel discussions to attend! In order to get the most out of this free e-conference I recommend the following:

Make your own personal planner/schedule

*Tip: Wait till all the webinar links are included in the schedule before you do this ๐Ÿ™‚
*Tip:ย Add an extra column to include the webinar recording you should receive by next week ๐Ÿ™‚
*Why not share your personalized schedule with other educators in your school by emailing it to them?! It might entice them to join a few sessions ๐Ÿ™‚

Other useful tips:

  • Be sure to register to be entered into the prizes/raffle
  • Can’t decide which sessions to attend? Check out the Reform Symposium Youtube channel with over 40 presenter teaser videos ๐Ÿ™‚
  • Prepare a Google Docs template for notes which includes the headers of the session you are attending and any information/links you can get ahead of time
  • Get the free World Time Clock/Converter and Meeting Planner apps for your iPhone and your iPadย to make sure you attend in the right time zone!
  • Prepare your Posterous, Tumblr, Summify, Scoop.it, LiveBinder or other quick and easy platform for sharing the resources and notes you collect ๐Ÿ™‚
  • Evernote, Diigo, Tweetdeck, Google Docs, and Posterous all have free apps for mobile devices! ๐Ÿ™‚
  • Use the hashtag #rscon3 to share your resources and meet other educators to add to your Personal/Passionate Learning Network, PLN!
  • Follow the @RSCON3 Twitter account to keep the latest updates! Add a column for this or the hashtag on your Tweetdeck!
  • Regularly add Twitter folks and Facebook friends when attending sessions by saving the Chats and Whiteboards in Elluminate. Feel free to ask the people you interact with for ย away to keep in touch with them!
  • Make sure to tell your family members about the conference & make it fun by hosting a viewing party where everyone can see what you are up to! Friends and family may enjoy some of the sessions. You can easily hook up your laptop to many tvs! Include a microphone so your family members can ask questions on the audio afterwards! Enjoy popcorn and pajama professional development with your loved ones!


Invite a friend or a few friends who are not involved in online professional development to attend or host a party in your home for a group to attend!

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What other tips do you have for those attending RSCON3?

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