Goal: Pass the Baton

Part of the 30 Goals 2010 Challenge Series

As educators we tend to be very giving people and volunteer our time to help others. In this way, education is a significant profession. I am fortunate to have been involved in many incredible projects. Along the way, I realized that some of these projects either no longer exist or lack the profound impact they once made. Funding is a problem. Another problem is when the leader leaves and no one else takes the reigns. I have been that leader, the one who failed to pass the baton.
This year I aim to pass the baton. How is this accomplished?

  • Mentoring
  • Creating a plan
  • Creating leadership positions shared by many
  • Having appropriate measures in place
  • Establishing a vision

The Challenge Continues

My long-term goal is to ensure this project is continued. Many have been so incredibly wonderful in sharing this with their teachers and students. Thank you for this. To make this process easier I have created this free e-book that has all the goals listed in order. You can share this with your school, other teachers, your students, and administrators. Next week, I will ask you to help me collaborate on a better e-book. I would like to create a collaborative e-book with images, videos, student examples, blog posts, and comments that fit under each category. I want to be able to take this to the several conferences I am presenting at this year and share this with teachers and their students. I would like you to be able to share it as well on your blogs or at teacher trainings. I want this to be by a collaborative group of authors. I hope you will join me in this project. I will provide more details and a Google document where you can easily list the link to what you would like to contribute.

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Read The 30 Goals Challenge: Join the Movement
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The Challenges

Congratulations on endearing this journey with me. Here is a list of all the goals we have accomplished together. Continue, with your long-term goals now that you are goal-oriented. I feel so fortunate to have had you join me in this process and hope we will continue this community of support.

  1. Keep a Diary
  2. Contribute to a Blog Carnival
  3. Start an Adventure
  4. Support a New Blogger
  5. Update Your Online Profiles
  6. Set a Google Alert
  7. Step Out of Your Comfort Zone
  8. What’s Your Personal Theme Song?
  9. Be a Guest Blogger
  10. Make A Connection
  11. Ask, Perhaps You’ll Receive
  12. Reach Out
  13. Give Students Reign
  14. Cause a Ripple
  15. Create: 40 Writing, Music, & Art Resources
  16. Voice Your Appreciation
  17. Tell Your Story
  18. Let’s Move
  19. What Do You Believe?
  20. Seek Feedback
  21. Have a Bit of Fun
  22. 12 Resources for Giving Constructive Feedback
  23. Where There’s a Will
  24. Conquer a Fear
  25. Plant a Seed
  26. What Are You Putting Off?
  27. Reflection vs. Reaction
  28. Capture the Moment
  29. Stay Focused
  30. Pass the Baton

Reflect on what you would like to ensure continues and come up with a plan to achieve this.

You may want to subscribe for FREE to receive regular updates!

If you’d like to begin the challenge, please download the free e-book here!

Don’t forget to leave a comment that you accomplished this goal using the hashtag #30Goals!

How do we ensure we pass the baton?

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